An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Kuyper Center Review. Vol 1: Politics, Religion and Sphere Sovereignty

The Kuyper Center for Public Justice at Princeton has published a number of essays dealing with politics, religion and sphere sovereignty - hence the title! Many of the essays originated at the annual Kuyper conference at Princeton.

Further details are here.

Social Pluralism
Jonathan Chaplin

Sphere Sovereignty among Abraham Kuyper's Other Political Theories
James D. Bratt

Kuyper, Neo-Calvinism, and Contemporary Political Philosophy
Gordon Graham

Kuyper, Sphere Sovereignty, and the Possibility of Political Friendship
Michael J. DeMoor

Covenant Theology for a Secular Society: Abraham Kuyper's De Leer der Verbonden (1880) as an Experiment in Modern Theology
John Halsey Wood, Jr.

Neo-Calvinism and the Welfare State
George Harinck

Neither Ignore nor Modify nor Disrupt: The Kuyperian Model of Deliberation as Applied to Same-Sex Marriage
James J. S. Foster

'Here the Shoe Pinches': Kuyper, Tolerance, and the Virtues
John R. Bowlin

Kuyper on Islam: A Summary and Translation
Rimmer de Vries

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