An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Monday 16 November 2009

Darwin, Creation and the Fall: chapter 1

'Worshipping the creator God: the Christian doctrine of creation' David Wilkinson

The opening chapter fittingly deals with the creator. Wilkinson looks to Colossians 1 rather than Genesis 1 to present a Christocentric vierw of creation.

There is much I loved in this chapter; not least:

  • the Christocentric perspective;
  • the emphasis that the universe cannot be fully understood without reference to God
  • his endorsement of creatio ex nihilo. (Interestingly he cites May as a detractor from this view - though Copan and Craig in their Creation out of Nothing have dealt with their views and found them wanting. Surprisingly Copan and Craig's view was not referenced);
  • the emphasis on science as 'a Christian vocation rather than a secular threat' (p. 25) and as a Christian ministry;
  • and the endorsement of the view that imaging God implies responsible stewardship.

This is slightly detracted by the times Wilkinson caricatures other perspectives, for example he implies that Intelligent Design is an approach that 'look(s) for gaps within the scientific account' (p. 21) and that some six-day creationists argue 'Now that I have proved Genesis is correct, then the whole of the Bible follows' (p. 20). This is similar to asserting that some theistic evolutionists argue 'Evolution shows that there is no fall, so there is no fall'. Indeed some do, but certainly not all.It's easy to tarnish all with the same brush.

Nevertheless, this is an inspiring chapter and one that glorifies and exalts Christ.

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