An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Resources for a Christian approach to geography

Christian Scholars Review 31 (4) 2002 - special issue on Geography:

  • Tom Bulten - Community and Propinquity of Church Members [Abstract]
  • Iain Wallace - Globalization: Discourse of Destiny or denial? [Abstract]
  • Mark D. Bjelland - Until Justice and Stewardship Embrace: Or, How a Geographer Thinks About Brownfield Sites [Abstract]
  • Henk Aay - Geography’s Cultural Landscape School: A Reformational Reading [Abstract]
  • Kathleen E. Braden - Exploring the Notion of "Good" in Sack's Geographic Theory of Morality [Abstract]

Henk Aay and Sander Griffioen (Ed) Geography and Worldview: A Christian Reconnaissance (UPA, 1998)

Chapters on:
  • Geography and the Natural Theology Imperative (Livingstone)
  • Postmodern Epistemologies: Are we stuck with our relatives? (Ley)
  • A Christian reading of the global economy (Wallace)
  • Christian worldview and geography: positivism, covenantal relations, and the importance of place (Curry-Roper)
  • God's own countries? Contours of a Christian worldview in Geography (Hoekveld-Meijer)
  • Alien in a foreign land: Human geography from the perspective of Christian citizenship (Hoekveld)
  • Christian worldview and geography: Christian schools in the Netherlands 1900-1960 (Aay)
  • Perspectives, Worldviews and Structures (Griffioen).
Available from CSU

Henk Aay 'Dooyeweerd’s spatial modality and its implications for Geography'

Henk Aay 'Geography’s cultural landscape school: a Reformational reading'

Henk Aay and A B van Langevelde 2005. 'A Dooyeweerd-based approach to regional development'. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 96 (2): 184-198.

Henk Aay 1976. 'Geography, calling and curriculum' parts 1 and 2 Christian Educators Journal 16 (1): 16-19 and 16 (2): 1114.

Janel M. Curry and Steven McGuire 2002. Community On Land: Community , Ecology, and the Public Interest Rowman & Littlefield.

Janel M.Curry and Kathi Groenendyk. 2006. 'Place and Nature Seen Through the Eyes of Faith: Understandings Among Male and Female Seminarians.' Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 10(3): 326-354.

Janel M. Curry 2008. 'Understanding God, Nature, and Social Structure: A Case Study of GreatBarrier Island, New Zealand.' In Faithful Imagination in the Academy, edited by Janel M. Curry and Ronald A. Wells. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Janel M.Curry, 2008. 'Globalization and the Problem of the Nature/Culture Boundary.' In After Modernity? Secularity, Globalization, and the Re-Enchantment of the World, edited by James K.A. Smith. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Gerben De Jong 1958. 'The nature of human geography in the light of the ordiances of creation.' Free University Quarterly 5: 97-119.

Gerben De Jong 1962. Chronological differentiation as the fundamental principle of geography: An inquiry into the chronological conception of geography. Groningen: J. B. Wolters.

G. Angus Hills 1974. 'A philosophical approach to landscape planning' Landscape Planning 1: 339-371.

Gordon R. Lewthwaite 1973. 'Geography'. In Christ and the modern mind. edited by R W Smith. Downers Grove: IVP.

John L. Patterson 1984 David Harvey's Geography. London: Croom Helm.

Mark Roques 1989.Geography. In Curriculum Unmasked Eastbourne: Monarch/CiE, ch7 and ch 15.

J. Van der Hoeven 1990. Development in the light of encounter. In Norm and context in the social sciences edited by S. Griffioen and J. Verhoogt. Lanham, MD: UPA. (with a response by L. Zuidervaart)

Any others?

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